Your kitchen is the heart of your home. This is the space where you congregate with family members, friends and other guests. If your kitchen counters are not spotlessly clean, they will make your kitchen look much uglier than it actually is. Invest the little bit of time and effort necessary to perform a thorough cleaning of your kitchen counters and they will be spotlessly clean, look amazing and ultimately make this important part of your home look that much more visually pleasing. Here’s how to do it.
Start by Precleaning the Surface
The kitchen counter cleaning process begins with a precleaning. If there are any crumbs, residue or other nasty gunk on the surface of the kitchen counter, dust or sweep it off prior to using any type of cleaning agent. This precleaning process ultimately ensures the best possible clean.
Clean the Surface
Use a nonabrasive, damp cotton cloth along with a pH neutral, mild cleaning agent to clean the surface of your kitchen counters. You can use either a liquid detergent or an everyday household cleaner to perform the cleaning. Be sure to rinse off the cloth as necessary when performing the cleaning, re-dipping it into the soapy, warm water and cleaning the counters until they are perfectly clean or as close to perfection as possible.
After the Clean
Once the cleaning is complete, rinse off the surface of your kitchen counters with clean water. Use a fresh cloth made of cotton to dry the entirety of the surface. Alternatively, you can hold onto a dry cloth while cleaning the counters and dry each section as you progress.
Attack any Stains That Remain on Your Kitchen Counters
If any stains are still visible on your kitchen counter after the precleaning and cleaning, there is still some additional work to do. You can proactively attack those pesky leftover stains with the addition of baking soda paste along with warm water. Combine these two cleaning agents with one another at the area where the stain is and it will gradually pull that pesky stain right on out of the kitchen counter.
Keep in mind, the paste created with the fusion of warm water and baking soda will be a bit abrasive so be gentle and patient. It is a mistake to rub the paste down into the stain as doing so has the potential to cause scratches. Give the paste at least a couple minutes to work its magic. Once a couple minutes pass, it is time to wipe away the paste and rinse the area with fresh and clean water from the tap. If your kitchen has stained tile counters, you might need a grout stain removing agent to restore the hue of the original grout.
Contact Galaxy Stone Today
Our counter specialists are here to help you choose the best material for your counters. Reach out to us today to find out more about our granite slabs and natural stones. You can contact us by phone at 281-447-2020 or by filling out our convenient online contact form at the bottom of this page.